Mission Statement:

The Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary Secular Franciscan Order is a Catholic Lay (Third) Order.   Membership is open to any member of the Catholic Church or Rite that is in full communion with the Vatican, including Eastern Catholics.

It is open to any visitors of any religious affiliation and can apply for an affiliate status that is good for every two years.

We met every third Sunday of the month at St Philip Catholic Church in Franklin, TN at 2 PM to 4 PM in room number 105.  Please contact Stephen Brace, OFS to coordinate a visit.  Columcille.ofs@gmail.com or text/call 931.409.8948


The intent of this “Blog” is to be informative, speak to the local concerns of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary Secular Franciscan fraternity. It should not be invasive like Facebook.  It should assist in encouragement in the faith and seek to empower Catholics.

What it should not be is a push of other news agencies as though an extension of talking points of the political left and right.  We are Catholic and thereby must adher to the doctrines and morals of the Church.    In matters related to form or discipline, there is room to disagree respectfully and room for dialogue to understand our rich history as it pertains to how the Church operated in different cultures and times and how this can provide an answer for the future.

There must be clear goals and understanding of ecumenical dialogue and interfaith cooperation.    It is not meant to water down our faith and compromise our teachings and morals.  Interfaith dialogue is meant to work together on common values but does not nor should it give our endorsement as though other faiths are alternate roads to God as the Gospel clearly states.

Thank you and I hope our fraternity can be of,service to others and build and encourage one another.